Worship the LORD with Gladness!
We gather on Sunday mornings for sincere, lively, and involved worship of God Almighty. We have two opportunities to fellowship together for worship each Sunday: a less formal service with contemporary praise music at 8:45 and a more structured traditional service at 11:00.
Pastor John Woods leads congregational prayers and bring an inspiring message that is scripture-based, Christ-focused and application-oriented.
We share in the sacrament of Holy Communion 7-8 times a year. We practice Open Communion, which means that all who profess Jesus Christ as Savior are welcome at the Communion Table. We welcome children and encourage adults to help their children to participate in a meaningful way.

Contemporary Worship Service
At the 8:45 contemporary service in the sanctuary, our Praise Team leads us in interactive and energetic worship using popular contemporary Christian music. Lyrics are provided so worshippers can join the Spirit-filled praise!

Traditional Worship Service
The 11:00 traditional service in the sanctuary is structured but feels like family. This service incorporates hymns and foundational liturgy. Our chancel choir and musicians lead us in special music.

Children's Time
The children of the congregation are invited to come forward for a special story or lesson each week. This is offered at both services.
Tech Ministry
Our audiovisual technology team is critical to our weekly worship services and special services. They enhance the worship experience by operating the audio system, coordinating visuals such as announcements, song lyrics, and sermon illustrations. Their efforts reach outside our church walls by live streaming services and posting them for later viewing. Volunteers also maintain our church website and social media platforms.